Mrs Roe


If you plant your seed in my land then the decision of cultivation is mine.


MRS ROE was triggered by the redaction of Roe v. Wade and explores the power structures influencing femxle sexuality and reproduction. Focused on our dwindling eco-cultural  practice of contraceptive and abortive plants to examine the dislocation of womxn from nature. 


Our patriarchal system has led us from the plant based, feminine domain of community abortive care to our systemised, criminalised western medicine. Historically womxn were banned from studying and holding power in the fields of medicine, religion and politics. By removing femxle sexual and reproductive health from traditional community midwives and herbalists these historically male dominated professions have determined the culture and law on womxn’s reproductive power. 


This project is grasping backwards as a route forwards. To rediscover an active and knowing relationship with the plants around us and become a womxn reconnected to the earth with the potential to create human life. 


I am MRS ROE - MRS ROE is my (unused) married name.


Dance photos credit: Alan Roe 

Dance collaboration credit: Ella Turner - Company Skubbe

Voice credit: Jo Burke

Cape construction: Jane O'Sullivan
