"The planet doesn’t need a few of us doing this perfectly – it needs all of us trying" Katie Treggiden 



    Artists are currently working in a climate emergency and Kerry is responding by collaborating with scientists at the Nature Connectedness Research Group (Derby University) to inform her activities. Human dislocation from the land and all of its diversity, has created a threefold crisis of mental ill-health, global warming and biodiversity loss. Kerry is reacting with artworks designed to explore and develop a stronger empathy between humans and our planet to protect the wellbeing of both.

    Kerry Lemon Ltd is a certified B Corporation® which is a rigorous, evidence based accreditation of socially and environmentally responsible practices. Her most recent B Corporation Impact Report 2024 is available to download from here . 

  • BIO-DIVERSITY - REGENERATIVE SUSTAINABILITY Kerry frequently enhances biodiversity by the subtle integration of habitat restoration in her sculpture. Recent examples...


    Kerry frequently enhances biodiversity by the subtle integration of habitat restoration in her sculpture. Recent examples have ensured a rich legacy by incorporating hedgehog, bug and bat homes to create a symbiotic relationship between the art and its local ecology. 



    Kerry prioritises material and structural lifespan and creates robust artworks designed for continuous reuse. Each project is unique and she considers a radical series of approaches including developing partnerships with industry and dismantling sites for suitable waste to recycle, reuse, upcycle or hack.


    Kerry is currently studying the intersection between ABR (Arts Based Research) and Post Human-Centered Design. She focuses on the sensory pathway of beauty and explores wildlife loss as a tangible introduction of PEB's (positive environmental behaviours) to influence hopeful, practical community action.



    Each year Kerry selects a charity and donates her time and skills to collaborate on a bespoke project. Her charity of choice for 2024 is Rainforest Foundation UK who support forest communities to gain land rights, challenge destructive industries, manage their forests and protect their environment. Kerry is donating her time to this year to design a creative, immersive, sensory event to celebrate RFUK's 35 year anniversary.


    Kerry works with Ecologi on a monthly basis to tackle her carbon emissions and support climate projects across the globe. For more info on Ecologi please visit their website here.



    Kerry is keen to build a social and environmental legacy, please find out how she works to support WOMXN here.



    2023 - Horatio's Garden